Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ideas for New Year

Some items on the horizon, better known as summer work...

1. Digital folders.  I'd like to make the full transfer to digital folders for band/choir.  Band and senior choir are no problem as I have 20 iPads and around 17 in each class.  Freshman choir has 29 currently. I think I will go 1-2.

I anticipate using forScore but I might still be drawn to Chromatik.  Both allow students to create folders and send .pdfs home.

I need to figure out how to digitize theory work and newsletters.  I might use Evernote and Penultimate.

2. Badges.  I'd like to figure out how to use these in class.

3. Musical.  One way or the other I hope to produce some sort of a musical in the Spring.

4. I need to find a sequential theory work book for classes.  Something where I could have students work at "their own pace".  I need to formalize our theory and sight reading work.

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